We are in possession of the database of sole auditors and in addition we are closely cooperating with existing maritime auditing companies.
We can find the perfect match, tailored to the needs of the customers, of auditors that provide the best service in the industry.
In recent years, the outsourcing model of attaining the auditors is gradually increasing within the Maritime Shipping Sector, and more and more operators discover its advantages.
The Companies, even the great corporations and big player in the maritime business, has uncovered unknown potential of such solution. This is not limited to the finance, but we do meet the statement that in terms of finance it is advantageous to hire the auditor from outside (or auditing team from outside) that will perform the desired task (audits/trainings/investigation) with no need of employing the auditor/audit team full-term.
Furthermore, the outsourced auditor / auditing team is in may ways unbiased and free to share honest opinions. He normally is more productive and can have a “bird-eye view” and the wider view as they could have seen previously great number of other management systems / different structures and ways of handling the vessels.
We can also assist in developing entire audit process for maritime organizations meeting standards of ISM/ISPS/ISO. Acting as subject matter experts / consultants in developing, revamping and upgrading Safety Management Systems of the Maritime Organizations. Utilizing auditors’ vast knowledge of various systems will help developing new and robust system – taking the best of any system they have worked on before.
Shipping Operator Terminal
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Auditing Company searching for auditors
If you are (representing) an Auditing company sourcing for new auditors/consultants/matter experts for your customers/internal projects etc.
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